Rubbing face at night is a very critical issue for both babies and parents.

Face rubbing causes sleep disruption for both the baby and the parents. Rubbing the face can cause skin irritation. Because every baby’s skin is delicate and healthy, stroking the face excessively causes redness or discomfort.

Parents fear that their baby will develop an association between face rubbing and falling asleep.And they want to stop baby rubbing face at night.

Parents are concerned about the long-term repercussions of face rubbing, such as if it will cause more problems, impair their baby’s skin health, or cause developmental delays.

As a result, parents want to know how to stop their children from stroking their faces at night.

Now I’ll show you how to stop a baby from scratching his or her face at night.

There are some several problems included when baby rubbing face at night. These are

Skin irritation
Disrupted sleep
Restless sleep
Self soothing issues
Increase the risk of infection
Affecting a consistent sleep schedule
Developed a long term habits
Stunted development
Leading to sleep deprivation

Here are some strategies are highlights to help prevent baby face rubbing during sleep

Determine the root reasons   

To begin, you must discover the underlying causes of the face rubbing, such as teething discomfort, allergies, skin irritation, or anything else.If the root reason is identified, the behavior will be reduced. 

Keep your nails clipped

You should regularly cut and clean your baby’s nails.Nails should be cut before any danger occurs.If the finger nails are long then children hit their face with these sharp nails and get injured through it.They suffer discomfort as a result of being injured.


Swaddling helps to keep your child secure.You may keep your baby pressing and his face away from his hand using a swaddling blanket.Using a swaddling blanket that allows mobility for comfort.

Introduce a lovey

Choose a soft blanket that your baby will hold instead of rubbing its face and make sure its safe and suitable for your baby.

Established a calming bedtime schedule

Create a regular schedule for your baby to go to bed each time. You can dim the lights in the room at bedtime and use the swing so your baby doesn’t get uncomfortable.

Adjust sleep environment

Make sure your baby’s sleeping environment is comfortable.To make your baby’s sleeping environment comfortable,you need to use a breathable bedding and keep the room temperature right so that the baby does not sweat or get over cold.

Gradual transition

Face rubbing is a self-soothing technique. So, if you want to stop stroking your face, you should learn new self-soothing practices. Pacifiers or thumb sucking, for example, can assist your infant in transitioning away from face rubbing.

Keep cozy

Provide enough comfort to keep the baby away from mouth rubbing so that the baby can spend the night in a restful sleep instead of rubbing the mouth.

Limit stimulation before sleep

Minimize stimulating activities before bed. Stimulating activities means such as loud noises, bright lights, sports etc.

Be patient

You have to be patient before changing anything.Of course, you will find a solution to your problem by being patient.Similarly if you want to change any bad habits of children,you have to be patient.

Consult a pediatrician

If you are very upset about this problem then talk to any pediatrician you know who will give you some guidance or a solution to help your child out of this problem.

NOTES: Remember, every child’s needs are different so it is up to you to choose how you will get your children out of this problem according to your child’s needs.


Why is my infant rubbing his or her face at night?

Babies rubbing their face for several reasons such as self soothing, exploring environment, teething discomfort. skin irritation, emperature disturbance and allergies.

Is it common for babies to rub their faces in the middle of the night?

Yes, it is normal for babies to rub their faces in the middle of the night. It is disturbing but it’s totally natural.

How can I stop my kid from rubbing his or her face?

There are so many techniques to stop kids from rubbing such as nails trimmed, swaddling, introducing a lovey, keeping an adjusted environment ,gradual transition etc.

Is swaddling a viable solution?

Yes, swaddling is an excellent method since it limits babies’ access to their faces while also providing a sense of security.

Is a steady bedtime routine beneficial?

Yes, a bedtime routine helps your baby to know that it’s time to sleep.

Could facial rubbing reveal an underlying problem?

Yes, sometimes face rubbing causes critical issues such as discomfort or skin irritation so consult a pediatrician and solve this problem.

How long will it take to put an end to the behavior?

Every child’s needs and habits are different. So how long this habit lasts depends on the child.

When should I seek the advice of a pediatrician?

If you notice any changes in your baby as a result of rubbing your face, such as skin irritation, you should talk to a pediatrician.


Every child is different. If any change is to be made to ensure that the change is made with the child’s safety and well-being in mind.

Many times it is seen that rubbing the face becomes a habit of the child and to change this habit one has to try patiently rather than hastily. 

When babies rub their face, they face several problems such as allergies or irritation, congestion, dry skin or eczema, ocular discomfort, tiredness etc.

Face rubbing causes many problems in children and the way to solve these problems is to change the child’s  face rubbing habits.

I have discussed above how to stop the habit of rubbing the face of children.

You can use several methods according to your child’s needs.

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